Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Mesothelioma: Treatments for Mesothelioma Cancer

by: Hector Milla

Mesothelioma cancer is currently treated through three treatments, depending on the cancer location, the disease stage, and the patient's general health and age. These treatments are surgery, chemotherapy and radiation therapy, which sometimes are combined to fight the disease in so far as possible.

In a surgery, one of the most common treatments for mesothelioma, the doctor removes part of the lining of the abdomen or the chest and some tissue around it. In a pneumonectomy, the doctor may also remove one lung when the patient has pleural mesothelioma or cancer of the pleura. In other surgical procedure, the doctor may also remove part of the diaphragm, the muscle below the lungs that helps with breathing.

Through these procedures, the medical specialist shall try to excise tumourous tissue arising from this cancer disease. As these operations will reduce the patient's respiratory capacity, the surgeon will evaluate the patient's ability to function after a lung tissue removal, before performing a pneumonectomy.

Another method to fight Mesothelioma is chemotherapy or the use of anticancer drugs to kill cancer cells throughout the body. These drugs are given to the patient by an intravenous procedure, an injection into a vein. Currently, experts are studying the effectiveness of intracavitary chemotherapy or the possibility of giving chemotherapy straight to the chest or abdomen.

Radiotherapy or radiation therapy is the use of high-energy rays to destroy malignant cells and shrink tumors. It is important to know that this medical procedure attacks the cancer cells only in the treated area. There are two ways of giving this therapy. One, external radiation, in which the radiation comes from a machine, and other, internal radiation, where the cancer cells are found after putting materials that produce radiation into the affected area.

Doctor's way to relieve patient's pain is to use a needle or a thin tube to drain fluid that has built up in the abdominal or chest cavities through a procedure called thoracentesis, when it is from the chest, and paracentesis, when the removal is from the abdomen. The specialists may also give the drugs through a tube in the chest to prevent the accumulation of more liquid.


Thursday, December 20, 2007

Mesothelioma: Treatments for Mesothelioma Cancer

by: Hector Milla

Mesothelioma cancer is currently treated through three treatments, depending on the cancer location, the disease stage, and the patient's general health and age. These treatments are surgery, chemotherapy and radiation therapy, which sometimes are combined to fight the disease in so far as possible.

In a surgery, one of the most common treatments for mesothelioma, the doctor removes part of the lining of the abdomen or the chest and some tissue around it. In a pneumonectomy, the doctor may also remove one lung when the patient has pleural mesothelioma or cancer of the pleura. In other surgical procedure, the doctor may also remove part of the diaphragm, the muscle below the lungs that helps with breathing.

Through these procedures, the medical specialist shall try to excise tumourous tissue arising from this cancer disease. As these operations will reduce the patient's respiratory capacity, the surgeon will evaluate the patient's ability to function after a lung tissue removal, before performing a pneumonectomy.

Another method to fight Mesothelioma is chemotherapy or the use of anticancer drugs to kill cancer cells throughout the body. These drugs are given to the patient by an intravenous procedure, an injection into a vein. Currently, experts are studying the effectiveness of intracavitary chemotherapy or the possibility of giving chemotherapy straight to the chest or abdomen.

Radiotherapy or radiation therapy is the use of high-energy rays to destroy malignant cells and shrink tumors. It is important to know that this medical procedure attacks the cancer cells only in the treated area. There are two ways of giving this therapy. One, external radiation, in which the radiation comes from a machine, and other, internal radiation, where the cancer cells are found after putting materials that produce radiation into the affected area.

Doctor's way to relieve patient's pain is to use a needle or a thin tube to drain fluid that has built up in the abdominal or chest cavities through a procedure called thoracentesis, when it is from the chest, and paracentesis, when the removal is from the abdomen. The specialists may also give the drugs through a tube in the chest to prevent the accumulation of more liquid.


Thursday, December 6, 2007

Mesothelioma Cancer: The fight against Asbestos

by J. De la Cruz

About 2,000 new cases of Mesothelioma are diagnosed in the United States each year. This numbers of Mesothelioma cases are growing at exponential sizes because of the big Asbestos exposure that the citizens have in our days. Mesothelioma is a form of cancer that is almost always caused by previous exposure to asbestos. With the Mesotheliomas Cases growing exponential the requirements of trustful information are huge.

Mesothelioma is a form of cancer that is almost always caused by previous exposure to asbestos. Mesothelioma is a rare form of cancer (malignancy) that most frequently arises from the cells lining the sacs of the chest (the pleura) or the abdomen (the peritoneum). Mesothelioma that affects the pleura can cause these signs and symptoms:chest wall painpleural effusion, or fluid surrounding the lungshortness of breathfatigue or anemiawheezing, hoarseness, or coughblood in the sputum (fluid) coughed up. Mesothelioma is described as localized if the cancer is found only on the membrane surface where it originated. Mesothelioma development in rats has been demonstrated following intra-pleural inoculation of phosphorylated chrysotile fibres. Mesothelioma occurs more often in men than in women and risk increases with age, but this disease can appear in either men or women at any age. Mesothelioma is not contagious and cannot be passed from one person to another. Symptoms of peritoneal mesothelioma include weight loss and cachexia, abdominal swelling and pain due to ascites (a buildup of fluid in the abdominal cavity). Other symptoms of peritoneal mesothelioma may include bowel obstruction, blood clotting abnormalities, anemia, and fever. These symptoms may be caused by mesothelioma or by other, less serious conditions.

Most people with malignant mesothelioma have worked on jobs where they breathed asbestos. Others have been exposed to asbestos in a household environment, often without knowing it. An exposure of as little as one or two months can result in mesothelioma 30 or 40 years later. People exposed in the 1940s, 50s, 60s, and 70s are now being diagnosed with mesothelioma because of the long latency period of asbestos disease. Since epidemiologic studies have shown that more that 80% of mesotheliomas may be associated with asbestos exposure, documented mesothelioma in a worker with occupational exposure to asbestos may be compensable in many parts of America.

Mesotheliomas, both pleural and peritoneal, are also associated with asbestos exposure. In contrast to lung cancers, these tumors don not appear to be associated with smoking. Relatively short-term asbestos exposures of 1to 2 years or less occurring some 20 to 25 years in the past have been associated with the development of mesotheliomas (an observation that emphasizes the importance of obtaining a complete environmental exposure history). Some Mesotheliomas Statistics say's that the risk for this type of tumor peaks 30 to 35 years after initial exposure. Since maximum exposure took place in the United States between 1930 and 1960, peak incidence of disease in men occurred in 1997, with a total of 2300 cases. Incidence is expected to decline over the next 30 years to about 500 cases per year. However with the terrorist attacks of 2001 in New York and Washington, hundreds of people were exposed to asbestos, when the buildings collapsed and the asbestos dust was were expanded in the environment. With this in mind the mesothelioma cases can increase in the next years. The information it's an important active. To be informed about mesothelioma and other cancer related topics could be useful in terms of prevention. Be an active reader, it's a great investment to your health.

About the Author:
The Mesothelioma Review its an informational site about mesothelioma cancer and other health related topics. Get more mesothelioma informationa at


Friday, October 26, 2007

Occupations at risk for Mesothelioma

Malignant mesothelioma is a serious form of cancer that affects the smooth lining of the chest, lungs, heart, and abdomen. Most cases of malignant mesothelioma are caused by repeated exposure to asbestos which is a flame retardant material that was used to insulate buildings. It is also found in ceiling or floor tiles, roof shingles, cement, automobile brakes and clutches. Exposure can also be from drinking contaminated water. When around asbestos, fibers are inhaled and often get stuck in the deepest parts of the lungs which eventually can lead to malignant mesothelioma.

The common symptoms of mesothelioma include shortness of breath, a cough or change in cough pattern, blood in fluid coughed up from the lungs, pain in the chest or abdomen, difficulty in swallowing or prolonged hoarseness, and significant weight loss.

The most common place of asbestos exposure is in the workplace. In fact, 70-80% of all mesothelioma cases report that they were exposed to asbestos in the workplace. The workers most at risk to repeated exposure are shipbuilders with exposure to asbestos as boiler insulation, construction workers, railroad workers around boilers and furnaces, maintenance engineers and janitors, auto mechanics and auto workers exposed to asbestos in brake linings and clutches, miners who have mined vermiculite or asbestos, factory workers, drywall removers, demolition workers, firefighters, family members of people that work around asbestos, and people that live near asbestos factories or mills.

About the Author

Joe Devine If you have questions with respect to mesothlioma you may visit for more detailed information.

Thursday, September 6, 2007

Mesothelioma Treatment - Importance and Classifications

If you are a victim of Mesothelioma cancer, how will you get into Mesothelioma treatment? The best way is to find reliable Mesothelioma cancer information and learn first everything that is relevant to Mesothelioma.

Do you think that Mesothelioma treatments are effective in one or two applications only? It depends to the patient's body on how we react to the Mesothelioma treatment.

The doctor is the first one who is being aware for applying Mesothelioma treatment. We already know the advantage and disadvantage in taking them. And most of the time Mesothelioma treatments are being useless in some reason.

Mesothelioma treatments are broken down into two categories:
1.Traditional treatments
Traditional mesothelioma treatments are similar to other standard cancer treatment modalities. Two or more traditional mesothelioma treatments are often used together to better combat cancerous cells.

Traditional mesothelioma treatments are often used in combination with one-another to best target cancer cells.

2.New treatments.
New mesothelioma treatments are in the process of ongoing research, development and testing. New mesothelioma treatments are being evaluated in mesothelioma clinical trials in hopes of a mesothelioma cure.

While mesothelioma treatments are slowly inhibiting the victim from being able to enjoy the life they have left, big business is slowly killing the rights of mesothelioma symptoms victims all over the country.

Most of the Mesothelioma treatment options are too high in price that ordinary victims cannot afford to have such treatment.

Various Mesothelioma Treatments
* Bronchoscopy
* Biopsy
* CT scans
* Laparocoscopy
* Mediastinoscopy
* Thorocoscopy
* Peritoneoscopy
* Radiotherapy
* X-ray
* Fluid drainage
* MRI scan

Usually, some medicines and necessary materials are used to function well. With this kind of Mesothelioma treatment, a victim will recover faster.

Having a treatment is necessary because it gives life to the patient or victim in order to survive. Put hope mostly on the family and relative of the patient, and the most important role is to cure everyone with a disease like Mesothelioma cancer.

To be better familiarized with Mesothelioma cancer, join some group or programs relative and concerned with epidemic cancer for the purpose on how to prevent cancer by applying new health technology, healthy lifestyle, diet and nutrition counseling, and alternatives.

Mesothelioma treatments are constantly being developed through clinical trials and research. Mesothelioma treatments are advancing, but the disease still claims far too many lives each year.

Mesothelioma treatments are themselves very aggressive, and invasive, and in many cases not recommended. Treatments are very expensive and usually range -between four hundred thousand and eight hundred thousand dollars.


Ramir Sarmiento has been providing useful tips, guidelines, and other important information with regards to Mesothelioma cancer, choosing Mesothelioma lawyers, Mesothelioma treatments, lawsuit issues, and many more.


Thursday, July 26, 2007

How Deadly is Mesothelioma Cancer?

by Ramir Sarmiento

Mesothelioma asbestos cancer is one of the deadliest forms of cancer today, with a mortality rate so high that eight out of ten of those diagnosed pass away within a year of their diagnosis.

Today, asbestos is banned in at least 60 countries, so the asbestos cancer is most often found in those who worked with asbestos mainly from the 1950s to the 1970s.

Asbestos is the name for the group of six different fibrous minerals, which occur naturally in the environment.

Asbestos does not dissolve in water nor evaporate, and they have no detectable odor and taste.

It has a tendency to separate in to microscopic size particles that will remain in the air, and easily inhaled.

Most people develop asbestos Mesothelioma cancer have they worked on the job where they inhaled asbestos particle, or have been exposed to asbestos dust fibre.

Once asbestos is inhaled, it comes through the respiratory passage. These fibre lodge themselves in the mesothelial cell around the lungs.

It can cause direct damage to the lungs traveling to the end of their small passage reaching pleural are surrounding the lungs.

There are many different names of Mesothelioma cancer such as pleural, peritoneal, and pericardial because of the different location of the cancer on the body's internal organ.

Being positive from asbestos Mesothelioma cancer need much attention.

In common cases, the patient or victim is diagnosed and it was too late to do anything, to save one's life.

A worker must take necessary precautions when dealing with asbestos fibers to minimize some health problems.

Tips to Prevent Mesothelioma cancer:
- Always wear a protected suit before doing your job. Asbestos particles need not to be able to enter inside your suit.
- Bring extra clothes after work. Change your clothes before going home to avoid the possibilities of inhaling it together with your loved ones.
- Always wear a high-quality dust mask inside the facility.

Mesothelioma asbestos cancer is particularly difficult to diagnose, as the symptoms do not tend to become evident until the final stages of the disease.

A very important characteristic of asbestos disease and asbestos cancer is the long delay, or latency period, between asbestos exposure and the beginning of the asbestos disease or asbestos cancer.

About the Author

Ramir Sarmiento has been providing useful tips, guidelines, and other important information with regards to Mesothelioma cancer, Mesothelioma lawyers, Asbestos lawsuit issues, and many more.

Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Symptoms of Mesothelioma Cancer

by Ramir Sarmiento

Mesothelioma is a form of cancer that is almost caused by previous exposure to asbestos. It has three common types namely, pleural Mesothelioma peritoneal Mesothelioma, and pericardial Mesothelioma.

Mesothelioma occurs in many places within the body, but is usually near from the lungs and to the abdominal area.

Once a specialist diagnosed that you are positive on Mesothelioma, be conscious and try to ask the doctor what is your current condition.
Below are the following symptoms of Mesothelioma you should keep in mind in case of emergency you know what to do:
* Chest wall pain
* Shortness of breath
* Bowel obstruction
* Fatigue or anemia
* Pleural effusion (or fluid surrounding the lungs)
* Wheezing, hoarseness or cough
* Blood in the sputum
* Weight loss
* Blood cloth
* Low blood sugar
* Severe ascite (build up of fluid in the abdominal cavity)
* Anemia

Symptoms of Mesothelioma may not appear until 20 to 50 years but prepare yourself if one day you will see the signs of the said disease.

Plan of Actions

As a Mesothelioma patient or victim, do something to help to minimize this type of disease.

1.Through check up. Inform your doctor about your medical situation and the sign and symptoms you have been facing. In fact it will be easy for the doctor to give enough information according to the disease.

2.By Telling your Medical History. It is based on the patient's experience and feeling for the doctor to provide an insight related to the past and present and give him hint about the causes, effect, importance and treatment.

3.Decision making. If the doctor asks your condition, follow their perception and suggestions base on your health.

If they offer medical operation, prepare yourself for financial factors as diagnosis and treatment of Mesothelioma cancer may include large amount on expenses.

Immediately see the doctor to describe and explained the detail, for the doctor to determine if Mesothelioma cancer really exists on your body and to make correct diagnosis.

Having a Mesothelioma cancer is a big problem because it can damage our lives no one else is excused it is either poor or rich.

About the Author

Ramir Sarmiento has been providing useful tips, guidelines, and other important information with regards to symptoms of Mesothelioma cancer, choosing Mesothelioma lawyers, lawsuit issues, and many more

Saturday, May 26, 2007

What Are The Four Stages of Mesothelioma Cancer?

by: David Arnold Livingston

One rare form of cancer is called Mesothelioma, a malignant tumor in the mesothelial tissues of the lungs and the abdomen, arising from the inhalation of asbestos. Its rarity is one of the reasons why a lot of people are not aware of this kind of fatal disease. In fact, many people die of Mesothelioma undiagnosed. Although there is now a growing awareness of the hazards of asbestos to health, still many have not heard of Mesothelioma and thus, have not understood its nature, cause, signs and treatment. Even some physicians find it hard to detect Mesothelioma because its symptoms are akin to other diseases like lung cancer and pneumonia. Furthermore, it takes decades for a patient who was exposed to asbestos to develop Mesothelioma — fifty years, at most.

Being unaware of Mesothelioma poses higher risks since it deters diagnosis and treatment. A person undergoing treatment must know the different stages of the cancer or the extent of the disease. Chances of recovering from Mesothelioma and the kind of treatment depend on the stage of the illness. There are basically two staging systems used for Pleural Mesothelioma (lungs): TNM system and Brighan system. These staging systems are also used in other kinds of cancers; however, the first is commonly used. There is no established method in determining the stage of the Peritoneal Mesothelioma cancer (abdominal) so the TNM system is used.

There are three variables in the TNM system: tumor, lymph nodes and metastasis. In the earliest stage of Mesothelioma, stage I, the malignant Mesothelioma cells start to grow and multiply only one layer of the pleura. The pleura is the membrane that encloses the lungs and lines the wall of the chest cavity. However, there are some instances wherein the pericardium (membrane that covers the heart) and diaphragm cover are already affected. In this case, the cancer patient is still in stage I Mesothelioma.

In the second stage, the two layers of the pleura are already affected by Mesothelioma. Take note, however, that in this stage, only one side of the body is affected. Normally, the pleura produces only small amount of lubricating fluid that allows easy expanding and contracting of the lungs. The excess fluid is absorbed by the blood and the lymph vessels so there’s a balance between the amount of fluid produced and removed. During the second stage Mesothelioma, fluid starts to build up between the membrane of the lungs and the membrane of the chest wall, resulting to pleural effusion. The increase in the volume of fluid produced causes shortness of breath and chest pain. Other Mesothelioma cancer patients experience dry and persistent cough. Diagnosis of the pleural effusion is achieved through a chest x-ray.

Stage III Mesothelioma means that the malignant cells have already spread to the chest wall, esophagus and the lymph nodes on one part of the chest. The patient may suffer severe pain near the parts affected. When not treated immediately or when the Mesothelioma patient doesn’t respond well to medication, the cancer may advance to the fourth stage. The fourth stage Mesothelioma is formidable since at this stage the Mesothelioma cells have penetrated into the bloodstream and other organs in the body like the liver, the bones and the brain. The lymph nodes on the other side of the chest may also be affected by Mesothelioma in stage IV.

Brighan staging system, on the other hand, determines whether the Mesothelioma can be surgically removed or not and whether the lymph nodes are affected or not. In stage I Mesothelioma, the lymph nodes are not yet affected and the patient can still recover through surgery. In stage II, surgery can still be executed but some lymph nodes have already been infiltrated by the cancer cells. In stage III, the heart and chest wall are already affected; thus, surgery is no longer advisable. The lymph nodes in this stage, however, may or may not be affected. In the final stage, stage IV Mesothelioma, cancer cells have already gone to the bloodstream and other parts of the body like the heart, brain, bone and liver. In most cases, a patient who has reached stage IV Mesothelioma only has four to twenty-four months to live.


Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Mesothelioma - An Asbestos Related Lung Cancer

by: Jill Kane

What is Mesothelioma?

Mesothelioma is a form of cancer located in the lining of either the lungs, abdomen or the heart. These linings are thin layers of tissue covering the organ.

The pleura is the tissue covering the lungs and the wall of the chest cavity which cushions and protects the lungs. The peritoneum lines the abdominal wall and surrounds most of the organs in the abdomen. The pericardium is the tissue surrounding the heart.

Mesothelioma is a rare but very serious cancer. There are three types of mesothelioma based on the types of cancerous cells. The most common type is epithelioid and consists of 50-70% of total cases and has the best prognosis. The second type is called sarcomatoid, consists of 10-20 % of mesothelioma cases and is more unpredictable in nature. The third type of mesothelioma is called biphasic, it is a combination of the other two types and consists of 20-35% of all cases.

There are an estimated 2000-3000 new cases of mesothelioma in the United States every year. The majority of these cases begin in the chest wall (pleural mesothelioma), a few start in the abdomen (peritoneal mesothelioma) and very rare are the cases starting in the lining surrounding the heart (pericardial mesothelioma).

The pleura is a thin lining of mesothelial cells. There are two pleuras in the chest, the parietal pleura and the visceral pleura. The parietal pleura lines the chest wall including the inside of the ribs, diaphragm and pericardium. The visceral pleura covers the lungs and filters fluid to and from the chest. If the pleura becomes diseases it is not effective at eliminating fluid from the chest resulting in pleural effusion or too much fluid in the chest.

Mesothelioma is usually the result of exposure to asbestos. Most people who are diagnosed with mesothelioma have had jobs where they breathed asbestos fibers. It may take up to 60 years from the time of asbestos exposure until mesothelioma develops.

Although rare, mesothelioma is a serious form of cancer which is often in its advanced stage when a diagnosis is made. In general, prognosis for mesothelioma patient is poor, however, some patients live with the disease for a long time. As mentioned earlier, the type of mesothelioma has an impact on the prognosis, as well as, the age of the patient, how much tumor has developed and if treatment is rendered. There are many variables in evaluating a mesothelioma case, so only the patients doctor can determine the best treatment and possible prognosis on an individual basis.


Wednesday, May 2, 2007

Mesothelioma Cancer

by: P. Mehta

Mesothelioma is a type of cancer involving mesothelial tissues of body organs usually lungs or abdominal. It is often caused by exposure to asbestos. However, there are 30-50% of patients without any history of asbestos exposure. People who have received asbestos exposure of as little as one or two months to very low doses are at risk of mesothelioma cancer. Even people who wash clothes of asbestos exposed people are at risk. A person exposed to asbestos could develop mesothelioma after 50 years of exposure.

People in the occupations such as construction jobs in shipyards, insulators, boilermakers, etc. are at the risk of contracting asbestos disease.

The 2 common types of mesothelioma are:

Pleural mesothelioma (lung cancer) and Peritoneal mesothelioma (abdomen organs). The survival time for a patient with diffuse malignant mesothelioma is from 4 to 24 months from the observance of the symptoms. Mesothelioma is also difficult to diagnose.

The chance of recovery for a patient with mesothelioma depends on size and location of the cancer, age of the patient and his response to the treatment. Presently, the treatment options for mesotheliomas are:

Radiation therapy, Chemotherapy, Surgery and Photodynamic therapy. There is some evidence that provitamin A or beta-carotene may decrease the risk of mesothelioma.


Tuesday, May 1, 2007

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